
Members of the Burghclere with Newtown Parochial Church Council

Rector Revd. Anthony Smith 01635 278470 Anthony Smith
The Rectory, Well Street, Burghclere, Newbury RG20 9HS
Postal Address:
For correspondence NOT for The Rector see below
Churchwarden, Burghclere Mary Cornwall 01635 38109 Mary Cornwall
Churchwarden, Burghclere Philip Oldham 01635 278176 Philip Oldham
Churchwarden, Newtown Jonathan Taylor 01635 200987 Jonathan Taylor
Churchwarden, Newtown Second position vacant
PCC Secretary Philip Williams 01635 278358 Philip Williams
PCC Treasurer Hugh Marriage 01635 278380 Hugh Marriage
Whitchurch Deanery Synod Jonathan Taylor 01635 200987 Jonathan Taylor
Whitchurch Deanery Synod Second position vacant
Electoral Roll Officer Hugh Mant 01635 44344 Hugh Mant
Assistant Electoral Roll Officer Barbara Hogan

for Burghclere
Barbara Hogan
Other PCC members:
Hugh Mant, Richard Marsh, Sarah Parry, Julian Roskill


Benefice Safeguarding Officer Jean Milford 01635 278724 Jean Milford
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Jackie Rowlands 01962 737317 Jackie Rowlands


Choir Leader Pending appointment
Tower Secretary Miggie Bruce 01635 278342 Miggie Bruce
Sacristan Mary Cornwall 01635 38109 Mary Cornwall
Webmaster Simon Stagg Simon Stagg
Assistant Webmaster Hugh Mant 01635 44344 Hugh Mant

Thanks to Neill Bruce and Simon Stagg for photos on this website.

Contact by post:

Acting Secretary Parochial Church Council
Parish of Burghclere with Newtown
Little Culver,
Newbury     RG20 9EA


Last updated 17 May 2024